WOW!!! What an amazing win on Sat! I was gonna head down to Whyte Ave with my friend, but she decided to stay home... with a guy. I suppose I understand... Truthfully, I probablly would have done the same thing... Anyhow I didn't end up going, but I did go last wednesday, and am planning to go again tonight when the oilers win. I have some pics from whyte ave that I will add later... I do have this one... it's my fav. As for Carolina.... well I'll just say that they should have known better than to try and take OUR game and do it better than we can. Too bad so sad for them.
UPDATE: photos of whyte ave
angie's baby, abbi, came along to celebrate
And now time for a quick little prayer before the game tonight.
Oilers Prayer
Our father who, art in Rexall,
Hockey be thy name,
Thy will be done, the cup be won,
On ice as well as in the stands,
Give us this day our hockey sticks,
And forgive us fo our penalties,
As we forgive those who cross-check against us,
Lead us not into elimination,
But deliver us to victory.
In the name of the fans, Lord Stanley,
and the holy Oilers, Amen