My oh My

Always something, never boring

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Smuggler

Now... I know my parents go down to Cuba or Jamaica or some other tropical spot once or twice a year, and I always thought that it was just a vacation. But recently I got a box of miscellaneous dishes from my parents. After seeing the box my parents sent the dishes in, I am now suspicious of my parents... I mean now that I think of it a few of my friends have told me that my Dad looks like a Columbian drug lord...
Here is a picture of the box... note the name...

The story of the "Peek-a-boo Balls"

Okay... so yesterday my friend Wendy and I went to the "Leg" (the legislature grounds fountains) with her 3 kids, and my 1. We had a lovely picnic, got some sun and cooled off in the water. It was the perfect day. Then Wendy and I went for a walk and on the way back Wendy all of a sudden got very excited and yelled in a whisper "BALLS!! WE'VE GOT BALLS!!!" I had no idea what she meant... then she pointed out that the older fat man to the left of me had his balls hanging out of his shorts. It was so funny... so being the kind of people we are... we took some pictures. Wendy decided to "pose" so I could take a picture of her, when actually I was taking a picture of the "peek-a-boo" balls. I need to share this incredibly funny moment with everyone out there. And seeing as my partner in crime is a graphic imagress, she so kindly prepared this picture for all to see.

Monday, June 19, 2006

WOW!!! What an amazing win on Sat! I was gonna head down to Whyte Ave with my friend, but she decided to stay home... with a guy. I suppose I understand... Truthfully, I probablly would have done the same thing... Anyhow I didn't end up going, but I did go last wednesday, and am planning to go again tonight when the oilers win. I have some pics from whyte ave that I will add later... I do have this one... it's my fav. As for Carolina.... well I'll just say that they should have known better than to try and take OUR game and do it better than we can. Too bad so sad for them.

UPDATE: photos of whyte ave

angie's baby, abbi, came along to celebrate

And now time for a quick little prayer before the game tonight.

Oilers Prayer

Our father who, art in Rexall,

Hockey be thy name,

Thy will be done, the cup be won,

On ice as well as in the stands,

Give us this day our hockey sticks,

And forgive us fo our penalties,

As we forgive those who cross-check against us,

Lead us not into elimination,

But deliver us to victory.

In the name of the fans, Lord Stanley,

and the holy Oilers, Amen

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 i have to say...i'm a little disapointed with the spirit of this city. The Oilers were on a roll... and everyone wanted to jump on the band wagon... maybe to feel apart of. But now with a couple losses people are losing hope, no longer beleiving in the magic that is the Oilers. I have experienced this in my own life. What I have learned is that God works in mysterious ways- never give up hope for just when you think your done you'll get that little bit of energy, money whatever that you needed. So this is me standing up and saying.... "I HAVR FAITH IN THE OILERS!!!!" I AM NOT GIVING UP HOPE!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Hmmm... this is how I think my brain is right now. Actually I think that's how my brain is all the time!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

So I'm on the train last night... coming home from an evening with a friend and I see this guy I know... Byron. To those who don't know Byron, I will tell the story. I had this couple I was friends with, and they thought it would be a good idea to set me up on a blind date. The blind date was Byron. We met at Backdoor Vodka Room. He reminded me of Will Ferrell in Night at the Roxbury. Shiny tight black shirt and all. The night turned out terrible, with me having to break up a fight between him and some lesbian, and him spilling a table of drinks all over me. And he wasn't even fun. And he drank thingslike Sour Puss all night. So we get back to my friends and they go to their room for some lovin. So there I was left with Byron (my friends did not sense I was having a horrible time) He wanted to fool around a bit, and I wanted to get a bit of revenge for the whole night... so I complied... I told him I was into bondage, and asked if I could tie him up. He said yes. So I tied him to the futon with his own belt, and another that was on the ground. I then took so money out of his wallet (for the cab home and emotional damages). Then I left. I guess he stayed tied to the futon until the morning when my friends woke up and found him... passed out, naked tied to the futon. I never saw Byron again. Until Last night on the train. I got on and sat down and was reading my book. At the next station a guy sat down beside me. IT WAS BYRON! He asked me the time and I burried my nose in my book and said I didn't know. After a couple minutes he asked me if my name was Taylor. I lied and said no. He then went on to tell me the story of it. And it was all I could do to not laugh. Anyhow that night happened about 5 years ago... and it still seems to really bother him. (and no doubt!). Maybe I should have confessed and appologized? He seemed a little traumatized. Oh well... maybe he learned the same lesson I did...