My oh My

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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Chew on this

What are you having for dinner tonight?

Ok... so I used to be vegan... but because I lived with my parents and was young, and my parents didn't want to buy vegan food for me I became very anemic and had calcium, and vitamin B12 deficiencies. I have been thinking lately... now that I can go buy my own food, why don't I do the vegan thing again? I mean, it's so much healthier, it can reverse heart disease, lessen your chances of getting cancer by 40%, not to mention it's totally yummy! So I've been thinking about this lately... and seeing as I am a member of PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) I decided to go on the website and read a few things to decide if this is want I really want. Well. I forgot that when I go buy, ground beef, chicken breasts or bacon, I am actually buying dead animal. Now I don't know about you, but when I see a cow, or pig, or chicken, I don't think mmmm that would be so good right now.... I think awwww that is so cute. I have decided to post this video because it is the least graphic, and if you want to be a meat eater, this video will not haunt you everytime you eat meat. If you do want to be vegan, as a result of the video or not, or even if you just want to explore veganism go to
You should watch the butter turkey under cover investigation... I know what I'm not having fot thanksgiving dinner.

Anyhow, bottom line, I wish I had never gave up my beliefs. In the 4 years that I have been eating meat again, I have eaten aproximately 404 animals. By not eating animals I will be saving about 100 animals a year from senseless horrific deaths. Today I gave all my meat product to a friend, and as soon as my son wakes up I will go shopping to buy some tasty vegan things. Chick'n Burgers maybe? Veggie pepperoni? Veggie Ground Round (veggie ground beef). Oh another perk of being vegan... I will finally drop the baby weight. Being vegetarian is one of the only type of "diet" that is proven to work...long term. Most 97% of people will gain the weight back after dieting, except for vegetarians. Did you know the man who invented Atkins died at over 200 pounds?? Anyhow. Enough preaching. I am going to go enjoy my new, healthy animal friendly diet!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: "Did you know the man who invented Atkins died..."

Maybe I'm an idiot but what does this mean?

the man who invented Atkins???

What the heck is atkins?
When you go to yer cuzins hawse?

8:41 AM  
Blogger Taylor said...

Have you been living under a rock? No offense, but it's very well known... Atkins is a new fad diet. It's what started the whole carb (carbohydrate) free diet craze. It's supposed to be a fast and "easy" way to loose weight... but most people will gain it back. Anuhow my point is veggie is the way to go!

10:23 AM  

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