My oh My

Always something, never boring

Monday, September 25, 2006

ok, so it's not a graphigirl original, but it'll do...


Ok, so I went in to McDonalds on saturday.... I demanded to know why my son got food poisoning. The manager said she didn't know. I told her that I will then have to assume it's carelessness. She then told me that sometimes, if they leave the milk in the little fridge in the front, it will go bad. So my son got food poisoning because of laziness, and lack of caring about people's health. Now I know some people are going, "well it's just food poisoning, he's ok now" But you may not realize how dangerous food poisoning is, especially to a small child. When I got home, I called environmental health and told them the story, they told me they would have a health inspector at McDonalds on Monday morning (today). It will be interesting to see what happens. I also phoned corporate McDonalds... as soon as they found out my baby had food poisoning they were very nice (surprise surprise), and I was tranfered me to another person who deals with this sort of thing. THIS SORT OF THING?! Is this a common occurance? I am waiting for a callback from a lady there. I will keep you updated.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Free Me

breaks my heart... I got rid of all my meat today, and went and replaced it all with vegetarian stuff.... I am so glad I am doing this, but I just can't help but feel guilty for not doing it sooner.

Chew on this

What are you having for dinner tonight?

Ok... so I used to be vegan... but because I lived with my parents and was young, and my parents didn't want to buy vegan food for me I became very anemic and had calcium, and vitamin B12 deficiencies. I have been thinking lately... now that I can go buy my own food, why don't I do the vegan thing again? I mean, it's so much healthier, it can reverse heart disease, lessen your chances of getting cancer by 40%, not to mention it's totally yummy! So I've been thinking about this lately... and seeing as I am a member of PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) I decided to go on the website and read a few things to decide if this is want I really want. Well. I forgot that when I go buy, ground beef, chicken breasts or bacon, I am actually buying dead animal. Now I don't know about you, but when I see a cow, or pig, or chicken, I don't think mmmm that would be so good right now.... I think awwww that is so cute. I have decided to post this video because it is the least graphic, and if you want to be a meat eater, this video will not haunt you everytime you eat meat. If you do want to be vegan, as a result of the video or not, or even if you just want to explore veganism go to
You should watch the butter turkey under cover investigation... I know what I'm not having fot thanksgiving dinner.

Anyhow, bottom line, I wish I had never gave up my beliefs. In the 4 years that I have been eating meat again, I have eaten aproximately 404 animals. By not eating animals I will be saving about 100 animals a year from senseless horrific deaths. Today I gave all my meat product to a friend, and as soon as my son wakes up I will go shopping to buy some tasty vegan things. Chick'n Burgers maybe? Veggie pepperoni? Veggie Ground Round (veggie ground beef). Oh another perk of being vegan... I will finally drop the baby weight. Being vegetarian is one of the only type of "diet" that is proven to work...long term. Most 97% of people will gain the weight back after dieting, except for vegetarians. Did you know the man who invented Atkins died at over 200 pounds?? Anyhow. Enough preaching. I am going to go enjoy my new, healthy animal friendly diet!

Friday, September 22, 2006

OK first I have to compliment myself on a wonderful picture i created myself. Do I make u proud Wen?

So here's the story... I decide to treat myself and my son to a meal at McDonalds, as I didn't feel like making dinner. So I wait in line in drive thru, I order then pull up to the pay window where I sit for 10 minutes (actually it was 9 and yes I kept track) so as I'm sitting there waiting for some 14 year old kid to take my money, I see my order sitting on the ledge at the next window. At this point I am thinking... it's quite chilly out, and that food is getting cold. Question... should I just drive up and get it? Pretend like I paid and get the hell outta there? Nope, I decide to be honest, and sit and wait. So finally the kid takes my money, I drive up to the second window and get my food, and begin to pull away. As I'm doing this I reach in the bag to get the toy... there isn't one... so I stop and say "There isn't a toy in here" , and this kid (maybe 15) says to me "would you like me to get one?". Now I am thinking of all the rude things I can say in response to this stupid question, but once again my conscience tells me to be nice. So I say yes, and get the toy and drive off. After I give the toy to my son, I reach into the bag to pull out a fry. Well, you know how Mcdonalds fries get if they sit around for too long at room temp? They get limp. Well the fries were not even a little warm, and they were soggy and limp. AND I asked for super sized fries, and they were regular fries. So I park the car, and go inside and tell the manager, well she is kinda rude, and tells me she is just on her way home, and the other manager will help. Passing the buck is something I do not remember from MY training when I worked and managed a McDonalds. So this other manager comes over, and tells me he is very sorry, and that he himself will go fix the meal. He also tells me he will refund the money, I say "no that's ok... I jsut want my meal right" once again being a good, honest person. So I get my meals and drive home. I get home and go to give my son his dinner. Well they replaced my sons gross fries and cheeseburger with fresh fries and chicken nuggets. Well my son dose not like chicken nuggets so he threw a nucleur meltdown tantrum. So I decide to give him his milk. So I quickly open the milk, stick the straw in, and give it to my son. Well he was hungry and thirsty, so he started gulping it. All of a sudden he stops, makes a funny face, and wipes his mouth... all I see are white chunks. Yes the milk was rotten. And the due date was for in a week, so that can only mean one of 2 things, either it was left out, or it wasn't pasturized properly. So within about 30 minutes my son is puking, shitting , crying and grabbing his stomach. Poor little guy. It broke my heart. So tomorrow I am going to go in to McDonalds and lose it. I plan to call the health board, and talk to the owner, and write to Corporate McDonalds. When I found out the milk was rotten, I called McDonalds, and the lady who answered wasn't even that apologetic... and she offered me a free happy meal, and extra value meal for the next time I come in! AS IF I WANT TO EAT SOMEWHERE THAT GAVE MY SON FOOD POISONING!! So I don't know what will come of this... but I will be sure to keep you updated. And in the meantime I am going to boycott McDonalds.

Monday, September 18, 2006


OK... so I put my picture on that site... it's where u put your pic and then people rate you out of ten... and then you get average... WELL!! I tell you... I put my picture on there... and checked my ratings.. and the first time I checked I was a 7.4... the second time I was a 6.3!!! What the hell! I am so hotter than a 6! i figured I was a strong seven, maybe an eight. Oh, and You get to see where all your votes went (like what number) and some people even gave me 1's and 2's and 3's!!! What the hell is that!!! Anyhow...I think I'll get a better outcome on here.... so please rate me from 1 to 10... leave it in a comment!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Ode to Coffee Poop By Taylor Williams

Dedicated to my dear friend Wendy

Here I sit in English class,
Still not angry
With my ass

But then my tummy starts to rumble
What is this?
It must mean trouble

I look again at the time
15 minutes left
Who cares about the rhyme

But then I’m seized with pain so sharp
Please God please,
Don’t let me shart

As I sit and squirm and wiggle
The teacher goes on
My leg starts to jiggle

Now there is 5 minutes to go
Can I make it?
I do not know

So finally the class is done
So for the door
I begin to run

I fly down the stairs
And to my car
Followed by questionings stares

I floor the gas
I go so fast
Everyone on the road I pass

Trying to drive, but I’m in such pain
I really hope
My efforts are not in vain

At my house I arrive with glee
Through the front door
Why God me?

Now here I sit here filled with relief
My prayers must have worked
For this did not end in grief

Saturday, September 09, 2006

My New Hair Cut/ Mid Life Crisis

Well this is my "new" hair cut. I got a 2 inch trim. Now it has got me thinking... Have I lost my edge? I mean this is the girl who died her hair orange crush orange with purple streaks... the girl who shaved her head, the one who put her hair in dreads, got a nipple ring, got some tattoos, used to go to protests, would street preform in Vancouver for fun, would basically try new things everday. I don't know if that is me any more, and it has me sad. I mean am I just boring now? Did my crazy life take it outta me? Is it cuz I'm a mom? Is it cuz I had my heart seriously broken, and am just not the same? Whatever it is... I miss "that" Taylor. I miss being the crazy one, the interesting one, the one who took chances, risks, tried new things. And today I actually did something I never thought I'd do. I told my little cousin that "over my dead body" was she leaving the house dressed like that. It wasn't so long ago I was that age, dressing like that. I mean I love being a mom, but is that what has it done this to me? I mean I used to be the friend who everyone wanted to go out with cuz I was so much fun. Maybe it was my controlling ex, who wouldn't let me go anywhere without huge repucussions, maybe it's that I quit partying, or maybe it is that I am getting old. I don't know, but this has me all messed up. And now I am in university.. so it's only gonna get worse. I don't miss my old life, I just want parts of it back. And to think of all I have sacrificed for my son, and his dad has sacrificed nothing, except seeing his son, which I really don't even think he cares about anyhow. I don't know. Maybe it's the day, I remembered somethings about my childhood today that has really rattled me. Anyhow... I'm all messed up... and all this over a simple hair cut.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hey Wen... give me a call tonight... you know the number... I noticed something about your aunt's website that i never noticed before.... anyhow thought you might want to know... ok, well TTYL!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

my new blog is called University 101, and the adress is Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks

What will you make of it?

Well, I had my first day of school today... it was the orientation. Although most people don't stay for the whole day... I did... I participated in every cheesy activity, asked TONS of questions, and gave my thoughts, feelings and reactions. Now for those of you who don't know, I am enrolled in a university program at the Medicine Hat College, I am studying to be an addictions counsellor. The program is very personal, with the teachers encouraging you to be open with the class, and mostly with yourself. I will be starting up a new blog... I think It will be called University 101. My goal is to track my progress.. day by day if possible, and my hope would be that in the future, other poeple could use my new blog to help them understand the in's and out's of University... The basic working of things. I hope to share my sucesses, my failures, and most of all my experience. So check it out!

So... I learned something very valuable today. One of the teachers gave us each a key.

Now, the question they asked us was... "what do you notice about this key?" Everyone came to the same conclusion... The key is uncut. But it has the potential to open many different doors. (can you see where I'm going with this). basically... it is a metaphor for our life. What will we do with our day, our week, our month, our life. Our lives have so much potential... and we make our own destiny, we open our own doors. So I put it on my keychain, so that I can see it everyday, and I will choose how that day will be. I think this is wonderful, and everyone should rush out and buy an uncut key... so that you too can ask yourself the question, What do I want my day, week, month ect to look like? What will I do to make that happen? Try it... you never know... I don't see myself ever parting with my key... we have bonded. I now look at my key, and ponder life, I look at my key and I see my hopes, dreams and goals. So now, I know what I will make of my day.... What will you make of it??????

Monday, September 04, 2006

Wow what a day!

Here i sit, half cut. I have drank almost a bottle of wine. Why? because I needed it. Here's why.
My mom and dad came down to help me unpack. well my mom has just criticised everything I've done... my parenting, the way I clean, the way i put my knick knacks, the way I fold and hang my towels, how i put away my sons clothes... EVERYTHING... IT"S DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!
So then I get so fed up i call her on it... well then it turns out I have been the one criticsiing (whatever, I'm drunk) and I am the one who is mean, and bossy and rude... I told her poeple who live in glass house shouldn't throw stones....Whatever... so after the big fight they decide to leave... Thank god!! But first my mom wants her radar detector out of the car... on the way to get it.. I meet this girl... Erin. She lives inb the building too. She came down with her friend, after my parents left. And she is so cool.... We are so much alike. She even wants to move to Texas, and I have decided earlier today that I want to move to a southern hickville town in the US, I have always wanted to.. but never really ment it i think. ( I'm not sure why). So anyhow, she came down, and we had some drinks and shooted the shit ( whatever again... like I said, I'm a little drunk) Anyhow she's really cool, andf I can see us hanging out.. So I ma happy... I feel like this is my first day of kindergarten, and I have made my first friend... ya me! But everyone said that I am outgoing, and would have no problem making friends...Iguess so. Lets just hope she is not weird ... or maybe I should hope she is. At any rate... I'm happy I met soimeone in this town. And I am REALLY happy my parents are gone. Buy for now. Damn.. i think i'm a little more than a little drunk. I hope this all made snese. Oh and I met the hot guy down the hall from me... and everytime I open my door he "finds" a reason to come out at the same time. He's hot... he's nice... Ok well i think i should go before i go and spill ALL my beans. or marbles or whatever the fuck. Adios!
ps this is how i feel ( but withoput the bad teeth) ( which reminds me i need to brush before bed).... oh and my first year of college starts tuesday... HOLY FLYING FIRE FUCK BALLS! i'll let you know how it goes.... I will be going with my new friend erin... God i'm such a loser. But that's ok, so is napolean dynamite and I love him.. and wendy does too. HI WENDY! sorry i missed your call... but i was getting drunk and stuff. and i couldn't find my phone. wow this is a long ps... maybe it should have been a part 2 instead of a ps... damn i need to stop drinking. ok... after this drink......